+1 vote
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I am getting the warning from the WordPress health status from the admin dashboard.
I added the line " RewriteRule. * - [E = HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:% {HTTP: Authorization}] from my .httacces file and tried to flush permanent links, but no hope issue still exists, any help to appreciatable

Thank you

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

CGI could be in use as the PHP handler, CGI can strip headers out of requests: 
Why are the Apache headers stripped from my web application?
Switching the PHP handler to suPHP will fix the issue.

+1 vote

After researching this the best option seems to be updating the permalinks for your installation; This can be done by simply clicking "Flush permalinks".
If this fails the next step would be to update the .htaccess for the site manually. Specifically, after the # END WordPress line add the following if it is not already present in your .htaccess configuration:

SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1

Outside of these options, your best bet would be to reach out to WordPress directly if you continue to experience this behavior.

I have already tried both methods, since it is Litespeed, is there any settings we need to change
To my knowledge, LiteSpeed should honor the .htaccess directive as-is without any modifications required.
Have you already confirmed this works as expected when LiteSpeed is disabled?
I switched to apache but the issue still exists, currently, the server is running with apache