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The process reaches a timeout in LiteSpeed and then gets killed

Executing the PHP script manually returns a PHP error, but doesn't appear to take a long time to process or explain the timeout error.

Fatal error: Declaration of Drupal\Core\Database\Statement::fetchAll($mode = null, $column_index = null, $constructor_arguments = null) must be compatible with PDOStatement::fetchAll(int $mode = PDO::FETCH_DEFAULT, mixed ...$args) in /home/usernamepublic_html/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Statement.php on line 167

2 Answers

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It looks like you may have encountered an error while using the Drupal content management system. The specific error message you provided indicates that there is a compatibility issue with the fetchAll() method of the Drupal\Core\Database\Statement class and the corresponding method in the PDO Statement class.

To fix this error, you will need to modify the fetchAll() method in the Drupal\Core\Database\Statement class so that it is compatible with the corresponding method in the PDO Statement class. This may involve changing the method signature to match the signature of the PDO Statement method, or it may involve modifying the method to handle the arguments in a way that is compatible with the PDO Statement method.

It is important to note that this is a technical issue that may require the assistance of a developer or someone with experience working with the Drupal content management system. If you are not familiar with coding or debugging techniques, it is recommended that you seek the help of someone who has the necessary skills and expertise.
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It looks like you are encountering an error in the Drupal content management system. This error message is indicating that there is a problem with the "fetchAll" method of the "Statement" class in the "Core/Database" namespace.

The specific problem is that the method declaration is incompatible with the corresponding method in the "PDOStatement" class. This means that the method is not correctly implementing the required behavior and/or arguments.

To fix this error, you will need to modify the "fetchAll" method in the " Statement" class so that it is compatible with the "PDO Statement" class. This may involve changing the method signature (the list of arguments and their types) and/or the method implementation (the code that is executed when the method is called).

It is also possible that the error is being caused by a problem with another part of the codebase. In this case, you may need to do some additional debugging to identify the root cause of the problem.