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How can the Nginx proxy_pass directive be used to forward requests over HTTPS?

1 Answer

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The Nginx proxy_pass directive can be used to forward requests over HTTPS by specifying the HTTPS protocol in the directive. For example:

proxy_pass https://backend.example.com;

This directive would forward requests to the backend server at backend.example.com over HTTPS. Any additional parameters such as the port number can also be specified as part of the directive.

In order to use the proxy_pass directive to forward requests over HTTPS, the Nginx server must have a valid SSL certificate installed. This certificate is used to establish an encrypted connection with the client and ensure that the traffic between the client and the server is secure.

The proxy_pass directive can be included in the server block or location block of the Nginx configuration file, depending on the desired scope of the configuration. For example:

server {

listen 443 ssl;

server_name example.com;

ssl_certificate /path/to/ssl/certificate.crt;

ssl_certificate_key /path/to/ssl/certificate.key;

location / {

proxy_pass https://backend.example.com;



In this example, the Nginx server is listening for incoming HTTPS requests on port 443 and forwarding them to the backend server at backend.example.com over HTTPS. The SSL certificate and key are specified in the configuration file, and the proxy_pass directive is included in the location block to specify the location of the backend server.

Overall, the Nginx proxy_pass directive can be used to forward requests over HTTPS by specifying the HTTPS protocol in the directive and ensuring that a valid SSL certificate is installed on the Nginx server. This helps to secure the traffic between the client and the server and ensure the privacy and integrity of the data being transmitted.