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What are some other ways to clear the output of a command in bash?

1 Answer

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In the Bash command line, there are a few different ways to clear the output of a command. Here are a few examples:

  1. Pressing the "Clear" or "CTRL + L" keys will clear the output of the current command and move the cursor back to the beginning of the line. This is a quick and easy way to clear the output without affecting the current command.
  2. Typing "clear" and pressing Enter will clear the entire command line, including any previous commands and their output. This is a good option if you want to start with a clean command line and get rid of any old output.
  3. Using the "> filename" command will redirect the output of the current command to a file, rather than printing it to the screen. For example, "ls > filelist.txt" will create a new file called "filelist.txt" and save the output of the "ls" command to that file, rather than printing it to the screen.
  4. Using the "| less" command will pipe the output of the current command to the "less" command, which allows you to view the output one page at a time. This is useful if the output is too long to fit on the screen, and you want to be able to scroll through it.
  5. Using the "| head" or "| tail" command will pipe the output of the current command to the "head" or "tail" command, which allows you to view only the first or last few lines of the output. This is useful if you only want to see the beginning or end of the output, and you don't need to see the entire thing.